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ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Engine control system is adjusting engine speed, and propeller rotation direction, it is easy to install. When problem occur, it can be solved the problem through checking the problem information by alarm, and display. Also it is possible to deal with immediate response by switching manual controlling in emergency situation. This engine control system is using electronic sensor, so it has very good durability.

STEERING GEAR ALARM Steering alarm is able to monitor status about steering gear information. It is intensive, and check Port and STBD information individually in one panel. It is using high quality LED, so it has good durability, and it is adjustable LED brightness via dimmer switch. Also it is easy to install, because AL101 alarm receive steering data by digital input, then it is transfer the data by CAN communication.

STEERING GEAR SYSTEM Steering gear system determine vessel’s direction, it has many of function such as auto pilot switch, Pump on/off switch, and direction lever in single panel, so it can be installed easily. Through easy calibration of lever range, it can be adapted various of levers, and usable Max. 4 levers for four channels.